When we look at the lives of those who have faithfully followed Christ, we are inspired with a new reason for seeking the City that is to come and at the same time we are shown a most safe path by which… we will be able to arrive at perfect union with Christ, that is, perfect holiness. - Lumen Gentium, 50
One of our great gifts as Catholics is the “older brothers and sisters” that God has given us in the saints. There are saints for every personality, vocation, and even job type! In this episode, we interview the creators of the podcast “Saints Alive!” who tell dramatizations of the life stories of the saints. This is a great tool for parents in this digital age when we are all looking for good media to put in front of our children and into their minds. We hope this will be a valuable resource for parents looking to fill their children's minds with good and holy things!
Saints Alive Podcast - https://www.saintsalivepodcast.com/episodes
Family Board Meeting Course - https://messyfamilyhood.com/
For more information on this and other topics visit: https://www.messyfamilyproject.org/
View the episode here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBVi8fszH6k